How our emotion reveal whats really going on.

St. Augustine once said that our deepest emotions often function like smoke from a fire: They can indicate what is going on in our hearts even before we can articulate it.  The aim of the Bible’s teaching on emotions isn’t to suppress them or even to manage them, but to read them accurately, express them honestly, and allow the gospel to reshape them completely.

This January we are launching an 8 week series called Smoke from a Fire and we hope you’ll join us!
What makes this series extra special is that we are doing this as a joint effort between Hillcrest Apostolic Church and Assiniboia Apostolic Church.

You’ll get to hear from each of us throughout the series. We’ll take turns broadcasting from our locations and will be celebrating one another, our churches and our communities as we go!  Our hope is that we will have a greater sense of community between our churches and in our partnership in the gospel.

As we go on this journey together we hope that each of us will learn to embrace emotionally healthy spirituality.

Welcome to Assiniboia Apostolic Church

We welcome you to our diverse church full of excitement and expectation for what the Lord is doing in our town and in our world. Download our church app to get the latest info on news, events, and life groups. 

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Welcome from the Pastors

We're glad you're here!

We are a vibrant community with the goal of "Connecting people to God and each other." Our Sunday services starts at 10 am, with worship and an exciting kids program for kids ages 3-12 during the service. We invite you to join us and experience the love, hope and community that is freely offered to everyone!

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This is where you will find the latest sermons with links to our live services. To watch the full sermon head on over to our Youtube page or check out our Facebook page.

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